Camp Ignite  

What is Camp Ignite? 

An all Girls camp with the intention of allowing young women to develop fire service and life skills, in a controlled low stress, enjoyable setting with others just like them.  

Who:   Young women grades 8-12

Where: Chapel Hill High School 

                Chapel Hill Fire Training Center at Fire Station 4

When:  June 24-27  8:00am - 5:00pm

Cost:  This will be FREE to all students

Our Why

Chapel Hill High School has one of the few programs in the state that prepares high school students for a career in public safety.   This program was created to give everyone an equal opportunity to expore what the fire service offered and to see if this was a good path for the students after high school.  We have paired up with our local fire departments to identify staffing needs with the intent of developing our young adults into career ready professionals.  

It is no secret that women are underrepresented in the fire service.  This camp looks to focus on young women and their ambitions to see what is out there.  Along side of female firefighters, these young women will have opportunites to learn the skills of being a firefighter, ask questions about the profession, build teamwork and leadership abilities, all while having a great time with friends in a safe atmosphere.  

What's included :

1) Lunch will be provided daily

2) Snacks / drinks will be available through the day

What to bring: 

1) A good and open attitude

2) Personal items 

3) Change of clothes

How to Apply: 




or Stop by the E Buiding 102